Encare ImmuneCare – Immune Support 60C
What is Encare Immune Care?
– SBI supplement – Unique serum derived bovine immunoglobulin supplement. (which includes naturally occurring bioactive peptides and growth factors to provide immediate benefit to the functioning of the immune system and intestine.) – Serves as “first line of defense” – against enteric pathogens, including viruses and bacteria.
– Provides immediate benefit to the functioning of the immune system and GI tract. Support for hard-to-treat autoimmune and gastrointestinal disease.
Studies show that dietary serum-derived immunoglobulin led to increases in CD4+ T-cell counts in 8 weeks time -hence, oral SBI may be a novel strategy to restore mucosal immunity and impact systemic immune reconstitution among patients who have not achieved normal CG4+ T-cell counts.
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